Ad van den Bovenkamp

Clarify the implications rapidly

"I know which success factors are critical to an operations manager. And so I take those into account. Integrity, loyalty and honesty."

"I joined MPM on 1 January 2003 and I'm mainly involved in project management. My many years of experience mean that I’m quick to see right to the core of the problem that I’ve been hired to tackle. Sometimes even faster than the client. That’s when the role of guide is important. And that’s how I approach my role as navigator. The critical success factors specified by the client are crucial for me when it comes to implementing the project."

"I know every operations department in the engineering sector. I understand what the priorities are for operations managers: rapid clarification of what a project will mean for his or her department. What changes need to be made to improve efficiency, for example. I will steer them in the right direction with no hidden agenda, without any conflict of interest. As transparently as possible."
"I take responsibility, build trust and achieve results"
"I provide security in change processes"
"I’m a quick decision maker determined and straight to the point"
"I spend time on finding out what motivates people at the personal level"